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July 31, 2007

The Despicable Dick Cheney
Posted by Michael Cohen

Probably out of some self-masochistic tendency on my part, I decided to check out Larry King Live tonight and watch our esteemed Vice President.

I suppose I could run down the list of half-truths, mistruths, exaggerations, duplicitous statements, mischaracterizations and lies that peppered his comments, but really what's the point.  With or without my contribution, the blogosphere, along with the overwhelming majority of the American people, seem to understand the true nature of our Vice President - namely that he is a despicable man.

However, that admonition, notwithstanding, I did want to pass along this little nugget from an interview Cheney did with CBS News several days ago:

"I've had my differences with Pat Leahy," Cheney said. "I think the key is whether or not he (Gonzales) has the confidence of the president — and he clearly does."

This really should be the epitaph of the Bush Administration. In one sentence, Cheney has pretty much summed up the fundamental arrogance and disrespect for America's governing institutions that has come to define this Administration. We don't care what Pat Leahy thinks; hell we don't care what Congress thinks. Allies? Take a hike. American people? LOL. All that matters is one thing and one thing only - what does George W. Bush think.

Ok, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I will now return to sober blogging on major foreign policy issues  . . .


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