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March 25, 2008

McCain Hearts Petraeus
Posted by Michael Cohen

Maybe it's just me, but I'm beginning to think that John McCain has a bit of a man crush on David Petraeus.

Check out this AP article today and some of the quotes from McCain about the clear object of his affection:

I'm not painting to you the most rosy scenario but I am telling you, compared to a year ago, before we started this surge, and with this great general, one of the great generals in American history, General David Petraeus, that we are succeeding in Iraq.

Washington, Grant, Pershing, Eisenhower, MacArthur . . .  Petraeus?

When I was in New Hampshire earlier this year, I heard McCain take great umbrage at the fact that Petraeus has not been chosen as Time's Man of the Year. And then there is this:

For the first time, I have seen Osama bin Laden and General (David) Petraeus in agreement, and, that is, a central battleground in the battle against al-Qaida is in Iraq today. And that's what bin Laden was saying and that's what General Petraeus is saying and that's what I'm saying, my friends," McCain said.

I don't think I would change the strategy now unless General Petraeus recommended it. I think he's trusted by the American people, the president and by me. And General Petraeus again showed me facts on the ground where the surge is succeeding.

To the first point, who cares what Osama Bin Laden says about the war in Iraq? Are we now making foreign policy and strategic military decisions based on what Osama Bin Laden has to say about them? If Bin Laden said that the Congo is the new central front on terror would we send a Marine battalion there? What is he declared that David Archuleta winning American Idol would mean the terrorists win - would Bush order every American to speed dial the show? Apparently John McCain's foreign policy can be summed up by the following acronym -- WWOBLD.

To the second point, now I know that John McCain is a foreign policy expert and that he understands the military better than any "cut and running" Democrat possibly could, but maybe someone should tell the Arizona Senator that Presidents make decisions about strategy and generals implement them.

While obviously it's important to listen to your military folks on the ground, Presidents have a responsibility to take a slightly larger political and strategic view.  To base one's decision making in Iraq solely on what you hear from General Petraeus and not say, on what you hear from Ambassador Crocker is pretty short-sighted. The very notion that McCain doesn't think he would change course in Iraq unless Petraeus recommended it reverses the entire concept of civilian control over the military. While obviously I am exaggerating in part, McCain's pretty revealing words are fairly indicative of a foreign policy mind-set that puts military objectives above larger political questions. Gee, where does that sound familiar.

Or maybe I have it all wrong: maybe John McCain just can't get enough of a man in uniform.
