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September 05, 2006

"Safer, but not Yet Safe"
Posted by Heather Hurlburt

I haven't yet read the report from which that quote from President Bush is taken.  He's also due to give a speech later today which will, I'm sure, expound further on the idea.

But my immediate conclusion is this:  that the Administration has decided to end the debate among progressives about the "are you safer..." line of argumentation by pre-empting it. 

I am not going to offer profound analysis here, both because I haven't read the report and because I have been up since 5 am negotiating our marvelous airport security system.  This weekend, with Blogger Beloved and Blogger Toddler, I traveled to or through two airports, the subways of our largest city, and a major televised sporting event.  Total number of times I was told I couldn't carry liquids, creams or gels through a checkpoint ahead:  five.  Total number of times I saw that admonition violated?  Too many to count.  Total number of security personnel who, without comment, touched my water bottle while searching my bag or watched my cute son go through security with his cup of milk?  Lots.

Did I feel safe?  Yes, pretty much.

But did I feel like I'm being ruled at every level by people who are incompetents, cynics or both?  You betcha. 


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