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November 12, 2011

Gingrich's "Anti-Christian" Spring Comments
Posted by James Lamond

Tonight Newt Gingrich  once again called the the Arab Spring an "anti-Christan" movement. Last month the former speaker said:

This is why the current strategy in the Middle East is such a total grotesque failure," Gingrich told about 200 people gathered at the Chesterfield Inn. "People say, 'Oh, isn't this great, we're having an Arab spring.' Well, I don't know, I think we may in fact be having an anti-Christian spring. I think people should take this pretty soberly."

Newt has been one of the leaders in the "anti-Sharia" movement, long warning of "creeping sharia," in a speech last summer. This framing of the of the Arab Spring as an attack by Muslims against Christians is an extension of that. However, one questions remains is how much his positioning himself as the defender of Christians is a political calculation to gain support among the portion of the conservative electorate, conservative Christians, that Newt has always had trouble with due to his personal life issues.

As two of my colleagues wrote last year:

to emerge in a crowded field to unseat the commander-in-chief two years from now, it's tempting to try something a bit more daring: a new culture war. Gingrich's soundbite -- "There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia" -- gives religious and social conservatives the "Christians under attack" narrative we remember from fights over abortion, gay marriage and Teri Schiavo. This time, the "them" refers to Muslims, not liberals


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