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« The Dumbest Thing You Will Read About the War In Afghanistan | Main | The Taliban "Impostor" and Political Reconciliation in Afghanistan »

November 22, 2010

The Second Dumbest Thing You Will Read About the War In Afghanistan
Posted by Michael Cohen

This one comes from Mark Sedwill who is the Senior Civilian Representative with NATO in Afghanistan and the former British Ambassador to the country. According to Sedwill:

In Kabul and the other big cities actually there are very few of these bombs. The children are probably safer here than they would be in London, New York or Glasgow or many other cities. It's a very family-orientated society. So it is a little bit like a city of villages.

Truly the mind reels. It's really a wonder that Sedwill forces his own daughter to live in London, rather than her reside in a safer city like Kabul. When I was Kabul recently I couldn't travel anywhere but in an armored vehicle with body armor and I regularly saw police and military checkpoints dotting major roads. I'll be honest; I haven't seen many of those in New York recently (although in fairness I haven't been to London in a few years).

And as Justin Forsyth of Save the Children notes, "Afghanistan is the worst place on Earth to be born a child -- one in four children living there will die before they reach the age of 5." 

It seems these days that US and NATO officials are in a race to see who can make the dumbest, most incoherent argument about the situation in Afghanistan today. At least the Americans are smart enough to go off the record.


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this proves it, anything can happen in Afghanistan war

I have read your article.Article is very interesting,thanks for your sharing. I will necessarily add it in the selected works and I will visit this site.

Hey, this could really be something that people would like to see and read.

Sounds good except for the fact that you cant control what they put in the adverts and it sounds like they are very picky, so I suppose this one's not for me...
Fiber Optic Splice Closure

yes,it is so dumbest thing.i agree with you.
especially the last sentence "the Americans are smart enough to go off the record."

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few pieces off that and spat them out he looked directly at me again.
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'Yes, Uncle Axel?'
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never, never tell anyone else what you have just told me — never. It's very important: later on you'll understand

better how important it is. You mustn't do anything that would even let anyone guess about it. Will you promise me

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I thought that over, and then shook my head.

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Truly the mind reels. It's really a wonder that Sedwill forces his own daughter to live in London, rather than her reside in a safer city like Kabul. When I was Kabul recently I couldn't travel anywhere but in an armored vehicle with body armor and I regularly saw police and military checkpoints dotting major roads. I'll be honest; I haven't seen many of those in New York recently (although in fairness I haven't been to London in a few years
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ugg boots clearance On my Egypt Air flight yesterday to Cairo, I witnessed one of the more intriguing in-flight exchanges that I can remember. A bearded, well-dressed man sitting a few seats behind me began shouting at the flight attendant.ugg boots clearance He was complaining that the in-flight movie was inappropriate. What are these “offensive images?” he asked. These included a 15-minute stretch of the movie where at least one woman at any given time was wearing a bikini. In a couple of scenes at a club, members of opposite sexes were dancing in close proximity while, it appeared, consuming alcoholic beverages. “Are we really all Westernized now?” the man behind me asked,ugg boots clearance as if posing a question to those of us in the back of the plane.

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It was an odd, amusing exchange that justified the otherwise unpleasant experience of flying on EgyptAir.ugg boots clearance But it was a reminder of the fundamental lack of consensus in the Arab world over the boundaries and limits of the state. There are two groups – Islamists and secular elites – with worldviews which couldn’t be more different. They live parallel lives in parallel worlds, with parallel institutions. They rarely intersect.ugg boots clearance One group believes it has both history and the Egyptian people on its side. The other side, considerably smaller in number, likely has neither. It does, however, have the power.

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Then Eöl looked into the eyes of King Turgon, and he was not daunted, but stood long without word or movement while a still silence fell upon the hall; and Aredhel was afraid, knowing that he was perilous. Suddenly, swift as serpent, he seized a javelin that he held hid beneath his cloak and cast it at Maeglin, crying:
'The second choice I take and for my son also! You shall not hold what is mine!'
But Aredhel sprang before the dart, and it smote her in the shoulder; and Eöl was overborne by many and set in bonds, and led away, while others tended Aredhel. But Maeglin looking upon his father was silent.
It was appointed that Eöl should be brought on the next day to the King's judgement; and Aredhel and Idril moved Turgon to mercy. But in the evening Aredhel sickened, though the wound had seemed little, and she fell into the darkness, and in the night she died; for the point of the Javelin was poisoned, though none knew it until too late.
Therefore when Eöl was brought before Turgon he found no mercy; and they led him forth to the ugg boots clearanceCaragdûr, a precipice of black rock upon the north side of the hill of Gondolin, there to cast him down from the sheer walls of the city. And Maeglin stood by and said nothing; but at the last Eöl cried out: 'So you forsake your father and his kin, ill-gotten son! Here shall you fail of all your hopes, and here may you yet die the same death as I.'

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If we had stayed on-purpose in Afghanistan instead of letting Shrub one-up Daddy with the travesty in Iraq, perhaps it would be stable, Al Quaeda would be paralyzed and Bin Laden would be dead.

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Hey, this could really be something that people would like to see and read.

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There are too many dumb thing in war. The war it self is a dumb thing.

Great job! Keep working! useful post, thank you

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