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November 19, 2010

Central and Eastern European Young Leaders Encouraged by New Relationship with United States
Posted by The Editors

This guest post by Timothy Westmyer, M.A. candidate in Security Studies at Georgetown University.

The United States and Central and Eastern European (CCE) relationship is evolving into robust and strong partnership based on a common understanding of 21st century security needs. Earlier this month, I had the privilege of seeing this forward thinking first hand as a participant of the Young Leaders Dialogue with America conference in Prague. However, I left the Czech Republic with an entirely more enthusiastic impression of how my trans-Atlantic colleagues saw President Barack Obama’s outreach to CEE than that expressed by a recent blog post by the Heritage Foundation.

During the conference, I moderated a panel discussion on the New START treaty and the role of Russia and Europe in the global nonproliferation agenda. As one would expect, the conversation turned to the Obama administration’s decision last year to shift toward a more mobile missile defense network in Europe. President George W. Bush spent the better part of his administration creating an artificial premise that the lynchpin of U.S.-CCE relations must be the construction of a land-based missile defense system with various elements stations in the Czech Republic and Poland. 

After a thorough review of these plans, it was clear that technological advancements and expected delays in the Bush administration version made the decision to revamp the missile defense system the right choice for U.S. and European security. The previous system had not yet even begun its initial testing phases and would have left Bulgaria and Romania unprotected, a precarious situation that did not sit well with my colleagues from those countries. The Obama missile defense platform on the other hand, focused on the most pressing threat of short-and medium-range ballistic missiles and could be deployed to protect all of Europe by approximately 2018. That is why NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen characterized this move as "a positive first step." 

The United States truly values the political risks governments in the Czech Republic and Poland undertook against the wishes of their publics in the Bush administration’s pursuit of land-based anti-missile stations. The U.S. decision making process and public rollout of the overhauled missile defense framework could have been handled with greater care and created some hard feelings in those nations. However, the security of the American public and its European allies should not be handcuffed to inferior arrangement simply because the previous White House was unable to shed its blinders and see a more comprehensive and meaningful relationship between the United States and CEE. 

The Obama administration foreign policy continues to place Central and Eastern Europe near the top of its agenda. The start of today’s NATO Summit in Libson marks the president’s eighth trip to Europe since taking office two years ago, an incredible sign of commitment given other pressing security challenges in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea. Expressing his desire to “revitalize the NATO alliance for the 21st century,” Obama made it clear that that “neither Europe nor the United States can confront the challenges of our time without the other.” 

The Obama administration continues to work with our European allies on more robust and substantive elements of a healthy trans-Atlantic relationship: stationing U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe, maintaining a strong NATO security alliance, coordinating ongoing operations in Afghanistan. Europe and the United States have a shared interest in achieving success in Afghanistan, combating terrorism, fighting global warming, and restoring the global economy. What I heard from my Central and Eastern European colleagues was less a concern that Obama was abandoning the region and more that the recent U.S. midterm elections were sweeping into office political leaders who would push the United States inward with protectionist policies in opposition to these common interests. 

When President Ronald Reagan negotiated with the Soviet Union for the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Agreement – which eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons from Europe – many of his critics voiced concern that the United States was caving to Soviet demands, “decoupling” America’s defense from Europe, and abandoning its traditional allies on the continent. History shows us that such fears were foolishness at the time and they remain folly today. 

An improvement in U.S.-Russian relations and the continued security of Europe are hardly mutually exclusive goals. The payoffs for Europe can already be seen as Russia cancelled the delivery of advanced missile technology to Iran – the original intended target of any proposed European missile defense system. The lack of seriousness by a handful of Republicans in the U.S. Senate and conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation in blocking the massively bipartisan New START treaty only strengthens hardliners in Russia and prevents verification of the Russian nuclear arsenal that endangers both U.S. and European security. 

There is certainly work to be done as the United States and CEE progress from a relationship defined by one issue (land-based missile defense) to one based on the full spectrum of challenges facing the international community. President Obama’s absence at a 20th anniversary celebration of the fall of the Berlin wall may have irked some in conservative circles. However, I can attest that the Young Leaders Dialogue with America conference focused not on the past but toward the future. Fortunately, so does the current relationship between the United States and Central and Eastern Europe, which remains strong and forward looking.


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"An improvement in U.S.-Russian relations and the continued security of Europe are hardly mutually exclusive goals."

Well said. There's some understandable wariness on the continent about cozying up to Russia, but our security decisions will benefit if we can move past this zero-sum attitude.

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Don’t stop blogging! It’s nice to read a sane commentary for once.

No doubt there is much work to do as the United States and Central and Eastern Europe's progress from a relationship defined by a number land missile defense to a system based on the range of challenges facing the international community.

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Frequent references to these texts had made me familiar with the words long before I was able to read, in fact I am

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the house, which said things like: THE NORM IS THE WILL OF GOD, and, REPRODUCTION IS THE ONLY HOLY PRODUCTION and,

THE DEVIL IS THE FATHER OF DEVIATION, and a number of others about Offences and Blasphemies.

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Many of them were still obscure to me; others I had learnt something about. Offences, for instance. That was because

the occurrence of an Offence was sometimes quite an impressive occasion. Usually the first sign that one had happened

was that my father came into the house in a bad temper. Then, in the evening, he would call us all together,

including everyone who worked on the farm. We would all kneel while he pro?claimed our repentance and led prayers for

forgiveness. The next morning we would all be up before daylight and gather in the yard. As the sun rose we would

sing a hymn while my father ceremonially slaughtered the two-headed calf, four-legged chicken, or whatever other kind

of Offence it happened to be. Sometimes it would be a much queerer thing than those. . . .

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Nor were Offences limited to the livestock. Sometimes there would be some stalks of corn, or some vegetables, that my

father produced and cast on the kitchen table in anger and shame. If it were merely a matter of a few rows of

vegetables, they just came out and were destroyed. But if a whole field had gone wrong we would wait for good

weather, and then set fire to it, singing hymns while it burnt. I used to find that a very fine sight.
It was because my father was a careful and pious man with a keen eye for an Offence that we used to have more

slaughterings and burnings than anyone else: but any sugges?tion that we were more afflicted with Offences than other

people hurt and angered him. He had no wish at all to throw good money away, he pointed out. If our neighbours were

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So I learnt quite early to know what Offences were. They were things which did not look right — that is to say, did

not look like their parents, or parent-plants. Usually there was only some small thing wrong, but however much or

little was wrong it was an Offence, and if it happened among people it was a Blasphemy — at least, that was the

technical term, though commonly both kinds were called Deviations.
Nevertheless, the question of Offences was not always as simple as one might think, and when there was disagreement

the district's inspector could be sent for. My father, however, seldom called in the inspector, he preferred to be on

the safe side and liquidate anything doubtful. There were people who disapproved of his meticulousness, saying that

the local Devia?tion-rate, which had shown a steady overall improvement and now stood at half what it had been in my

grandfather's time, would have been better still, but for my father. All the same, the Waknuk district had a great

name for Purity.
Ours was no longer a frontier region. Hard work and sacrifice had produced a stability of stock and crops which could

be envied even by some communities to the east of us. You could now go some thirty miles to the south or south-west

before you came to Wild Country — that is to say parts where the chance of breeding true was less than fifty per

cent. After that, everything grew more erratic across a belt which was ten miles wide in some places and up to twenty

in others, until you came to the mysterious Fringes where nothing was dependable, and where, to quote my father, 'the

Devil struts his wide estates, and the laws of God are mocked.' Fringes country, too, was said to be variable in

depth, and beyond it lay the Badlands about which nobody knew anything. Usually anybody who went into the Badlands

died there, and the one or two men who had come back from them did not last long.

Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, the White Lady of the Noldor, daughter of Fingolfin, dwelt in Nevrast with Turgon her brother, and she went with him to the Hidden Kingdom. But she wearied of ugg boots clearanceof Gondolin, desiring ever the longer the more to ride again in the wide lands and to walk in the forests, as had been her wont in Valinor: and when two hundred years had passed since Gondolin was full-wrought with louis vuitton outlet, she spoke to Turgon and asked leave to depart. Turgon was loath to grant this, and long denied her; but at the last he yielded, saying: 'Go then, if you will though it is against my wisdom, and I forebode that ill will come of it both to you and to me. But you shall go only to seek Fingon, our brother; and those ugg boots outletthat I send with you shall return hither to Gondolin as swiftly as they may.'
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On my Egypt Air flight yesterday to Cairo, I witnessed one of the more intriguing in-flight exchanges that I can remember. A bearded, well-dressed man sitting a few seats behind me began shouting at the flight attendant. He was complaining that the in-flight movie was inappropriate. What are these “offensive images?” he asked. These included a 15-minute stretch of the movie where at least one woman at any given time was wearing a bikini. In a couple of scenes at a club, members of opposite sexes were dancing in close proximity while, it appeared, consuming alcoholic beverages. “Are we really all Westernized now?” the man behind me asked, as if posing a question to those of us in the back of the plane.

The man’s arguments were rather interesting. He pointed out that if you took a poll of the passengers,ugg boots outlet most would agree the film was morally offensive. He asked the attendant, “if we ask the passengers what they think and they agree with me, then what will you do?” The attendant responded, “we don’t take public opinion (ra’i al ‘am) on the airplane.” The man was right: most passengers, and most Egyptians – the vast majority of whom don’t drink, go to clubs, or wear bikinis – would object to the film’s content. But at what point do they have the right to restrict minority expressions of unfaithfulness?

It was an odd, amusing exchange that justified the otherwise unpleasant experience of flying on EgyptAir.ugg boots clearance But it was a reminder of the fundamental lack of consensus in the Arab world over the boundaries and limits of the state. There are two groups – Islamists and secular elites – with worldviews which couldn’t be more different. They live parallel lives in parallel worlds, with parallel institutions. They rarely intersect.ugg boots clearance One group believes it has both history and the Egyptian people on its side. The other side, considerably smaller in number, likely has neither. It does, however, have the power.

This stalemate has paralyzed the Arab world for decades now.ugg boots outlet

Sunday’s elections will be just another version of this.ugg boots clearance The main players are the Muslim Brotherhood – populist, religious, and righteous – and the regime coalition which, with its president soon to pass, finds itself in an uncertain place. Both sides are strong in different ways – and weak in others. Neither seems to have anything resembling a coherent strategy for dealing with the impending transition that is soon to come.

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The Obama administration foreign policy continues to place Central and Eastern Europe near the top of its agenda. The start of today’s NATO Summit in Libson marks the president’s eighth trip to Europe since taking office two years ago, an incredible sign of commitment given other pressing security challenges in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea. Expressing his desire to “revitalize the NATO alliance for the 21st century,” Obama made it clear that that “neither Europe nor the United States can confront the challenges of our time without the other
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ugg boots clearance On my Egypt Air flight yesterday to Cairo, I witnessed one of the more intriguing in-flight exchanges that I can remember. A bearded, well-dressed man sitting a few seats behind me began shouting at the flight attendant.ugg boots clearance He was complaining that the in-flight movie was inappropriate. What are these “offensive images?” he asked. These included a 15-minute stretch of the movie where at least one woman at any given time was wearing a bikini. In a couple of scenes at a club, members of opposite sexes were dancing in close proximity while, it appeared, consuming alcoholic beverages. “Are we really all Westernized now?” the man behind me asked,ugg boots clearance as if posing a question to those of us in the back of the plane.

The man’s arguments were rather interesting. He pointed out that if you took a poll of the passengers,ugg boots outlet most would agree the film was morally offensive. He asked the attendant, “if we ask the passengers what they think and they agree with me, then what will you do?” The attendant responded, “we don’t take public opinion (ra’i al ‘am) on the airplane.” The man was right: most passengers, and most Egyptians – the vast majority of whom don’t drink, go to clubs, or wear bikinis – would object to the film’s content. But at what point do they have the right to restrict minority expressions of unfaithfulness?ugg boots clearance

It was an odd, amusing exchange that justified the otherwise unpleasant experience of flying on EgyptAir.ugg boots clearance But it was a reminder of the fundamental lack of consensus in the Arab world over the boundaries and limits of the state. There are two groups – Islamists and secular elites – with worldviews which couldn’t be more different. They live parallel lives in parallel worlds, with parallel institutions. They rarely intersect.ugg boots clearance One group believes it has both history and the Egyptian people on its side. The other side, considerably smaller in number, likely has neither. It does, however, have the power.

This stalemate has paralyzed the Arab world for decades now.ugg boots outlet

Sunday’s elections will be just another version of this.ugg boots clearance The main players are the Muslim Brotherhood – populist, religious, and righteous – and the regime coalition which, with its president soon to pass, finds itself in an uncertain place. Both sides are strong in different ways – and weak in others. Neither seems to have anything resembling a coherent strategy for dealing with the impending transition that is soon to come.

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Then Eöl looked into the eyes of King Turgon, and he was not daunted, but stood long without word or movement while a still silence fell upon the hall; and Aredhel was afraid, knowing that he was perilous. Suddenly, swift as serpent, he seized a javelin that he held hid beneath his cloak and cast it at Maeglin, crying:
'The second choice I take and for my son also! You shall not hold what is mine!'
But Aredhel sprang before the dart, and it smote her in the shoulder; and Eöl was overborne by many and set in bonds, and led away, while others tended Aredhel. But Maeglin looking upon his father was silent.
It was appointed that Eöl should be brought on the next day to the King's judgement; and Aredhel and Idril moved Turgon to mercy. But in the evening Aredhel sickened, though the wound had seemed little, and she fell into the darkness, and in the night she died; for the point of the Javelin was poisoned, though none knew it until too late.
Therefore when Eöl was brought before Turgon he found no mercy; and they led him forth to the ugg boots clearanceCaragdûr, a precipice of black rock upon the north side of the hill of Gondolin, there to cast him down from the sheer walls of the city. And Maeglin stood by and said nothing; but at the last Eöl cried out: 'So you forsake your father and his kin, ill-gotten son! Here shall you fail of all your hopes, and here may you yet die the same death as I.'

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