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May 21, 2009

NSN Daily Update 5/21/2009
Posted by The National Security Network

See today's complete daily update here.

What We’re Reading

President Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney will both give speeches on national security today.  President Obama met with human rights groups before his speech, which is expected to focus on detainee policy.

A judge in Milan ruled that the case against Italian and American intelligence officials over extraordinary rendition can go forward but without referring to classified information.

Pakistan and India have begun sharing intelligence on Islamic extremists under U.S. prodding, an unprecedented cooperation.

Israel removed an illegal settler outpost in the West Bank, a possible gesture to President ObamaIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he is willing to talk to Syria, without preconditions.

Commentary of the Day

Roger Cohen describes the “miracles of realism” as evidenced in Vietnam, but is not sure how to apply those lessons.

Khalil Shikaki writes that Palestinian elections would be a “risk worth taking.”

Former Army Ranger Sgt. Brian Hughes adds another military voice to those urging the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.


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Funny, all this talk about Obama adopting Bush's national security policies. I don't see Obama lying us into war with Iraq or using torture when it is widely considered to be against the law and has been proven not to work

This is a feeble attempt to make themselves feel better about the past eight years.

Good luck with that.

Great comments! You are so nice, man! You never know how much i like'em!

Yes, that's cool. The device is amazing! Waiting for your next one!

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