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February 06, 2009

Israel's Ralph Nader?
Posted by Adam Blickstein

Except the potential spoiler party in Israel is on the polar opposite end of the policy spectrum. The Jerusalem Post has the last polls before Tuesday's election, and it shows Israel's right wing Israel Beiteinu party siphoning votes from Netanyahu's Likud:

Likud's three-seat lead over Kadima is down from six mandates when the last Smith poll was published January 2. While Kadima has remained stagnant since then, Likud has lost three seats to Avigdor Lieberman's resurgent Israel Beiteinu.

Other polls showed similar trends. A Panels poll taken for Channel 2's Web site found that the gap between Likud and Kadima had fallen to only one seat, and a Dialogue poll taken for Ha'aretz put the gap at two. The largest gap between Likud and Kadima is six seats, in a Gal Hadash poll for Israel Hayom.

Lieberman continued to rise in nearly every poll, hitting a peak of 21 seats in a poll taken by the Geocartographic Institute for the Globes newspaper.

If only there was חמש מאות שלושים ושמונה (Five Thirty Eight) in Israel to sort it all out.


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Ralph Nadar? Nadar never won more than a tiny fraction of the US vote. the ultranationalist Lieberman is poised to win close to twenty percent.


"All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts" cries the religious opinion of Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, the director of the long-established Tsomet Religious Institute. He wrote that Palestinians are like the nation of Amalekites, who attacked the Israelite tribes led by Moses on their way to Jerusalem. He stated that the Lord sent down in the Torah a ruling that allowed the Jews to kill the Amalekites, and that this ruling is known in Jewish jurisprudence.

The Torah states: "Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other.. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys.." Rosen stated that Amalekites are not a particular race, but rather all those who hate and oppose the Jews; Christians and Muslims.

Many leading Israeli Rabbis support Rosen's views. Israel's former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu advocated carpet bombing of Gaza stating that "there is absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during massive military offensive on Gaza" (The Jerusalem Post, 30 May, 2007). His son Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu amplified his father's genocidal call stating: "if they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand, then we must kill 10,000 and even a million"

Many Rabbis had argued that Palestinians in Gaza are not innocent civilians and that during war time it is not individuals but nations the Israelis are fighting. (It seems that Hitler had adopted this Telmudic teaching when he persecuted all European Jews)

Israeli educators, scholars, and politicians, openly, advocate the annihilation of all Palestinians. Dr. Nachum Rakover, a legal scholar, opined "They voted for killers and sent them to kill us. To call them (civilians) innocent is a tragic comedy… civilians are partners of the killers" Eli Yeshai, Israeli official in the Orthodox Shas party argued that "extermination of the enemy is sanctioned by the Torah" Many other politicians called for the need for "wiping off Gaza from the face of earth", and "annihilating of every moving thing there." The right-wing Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman proposed nuking Gaza following the US example when it dropped the atomic bomb on Japan during WWII.

This "ideology of annihilation" is by no means a minority opinion in Israel, but represents a mainstream in the Jews of Israel as well as Jews in the West (US). The popular attitude is "if it was right by God to order us to commit genocide during Biblical time, why can't it be right to commit genocide now. Has God changed his mind?" Indeed Judaic god is a racist genocidal god.

Watch and listen here to an example of how Israeli Jews are brainwashed and indoctrinated into the ideology of annihilation by their rabbis and scholars through Israeli media. Watch Max Blumenthal's videotape of a group of messianic Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch exhibit this ideology in NYC in January 11, 2009.

The Israeli spokesman, Nachman Abramovic demonized Palestinian children stating "They may look young to you, but these people are terrorists at heart. Don't look at their deceptively innocent faces, try to think of the demons inside each of them … I am absolutely certain these people would grow to be evil terrorists if we allowed them to grow… would you allow them to grow to kill your children or finish them off right now? … honost and moral people ought to differentiate between true humans and human animals. We do kill human animals and we do so unapologetically. Besides who in the West is in a position to lecture us on killing human animals. After all, whose hands are clean?"

Human animal mentioned by Abramovic refers to the Judaic religious belief that Jews are Gods chosen people; the elite and the pure-blooded, while all others (non-Jews, Goyims, gentiles) are animal souls incarnated into human bodies to serve the Jews. Killing a human animal is just a sport like hunting deer or birds.

I have not heard such vehemence coming out of Israel. They quote the scriptures about their rights to kill Palestineans, but those same scriptures say that Israel will not be established until the Messiah comes. So where's their Messiah? I think they missed him 2,000 years ago.

qazi sails on his own dreams and turns one or two rabbis into "Many Rabbis". I assume that he doesn't count his own Mullahs, Kaddis, Sheikhs, Shahids etc. that became the main stream in the Muslims societies. Israel is clear democracy and the main wide public expressions desire to reach to real peace with the Arab Palestinians. We can't say the same about the Arab Palestinian society. On the contrary, the Arabs yield for annihilating the "Zionist entity" from the face of the earth by all means – terror, political steps and all means in between.

The Arabs in Palestine don't want the Jews in Palestine to have their own national home in the midst of the Islamic Middle East. That the core of the problem. As long Israel to withdraw, the far the Arabs to chaise and terrorize them. Israel withdrew of Gaza but Gaza turned to be the deadliest for Israel for the last years. That proves that more than the Palestinian Arabs want their own state, they eager to destroy the Palestinian Jewish state. The Israeli dilemma is how far they can give the Arabs and less damage their own ability to live in peace and prosperity. The best solution is to divide Palestine in 2 and NOT 3 = Jordan is the state of the Palestinian Arabs!

Try to look at the other side. You know as well as I that even if Israel were to end your so-called "occupation," there will be other reasons that Hamas and the Palestinians will use to attack Israel. Get off your liberal soapbox and get a reality check. Try living in Sderot for a while and see how well you like missiles in hour backyard or house's roof.

George Hunt; - if you missed the Messiah you'll sure meet him some time in the future and ask him if it his first or second coming. As for the coming back of the people of Israel to the land of Israel it has nothing to do with the Messiah, as written in Ezekiel book. The 'dead bones' turn to be live in flesh BEFORE the Messiah coming. The coming of the Messiah ends that part of history where Jews carried the sins and blame of all human kind, and the world will be prepared for the Messiah only when the people of Israel will dwell safe in their historical sacred soil.

No Ralph for Israel.

Thanks to AIPAC...

Adam Blickstein doesn't understand American politics if he thinks there is a parallel. Ralph Nader got votes mainly from independents, as well as from both Republicans and Democrats, according to the interviews with voters. What lost the Democrats Bush's years, according to the studies, was huge defections of Democrats to vote for Bush. In the panel studies, Nader's campaign got out a lot of new young voters in the Bush years, who ended up voting for Democrats. His goal has always been to get the issues talked about. Israel has never had just a two party system, so why should the US have such an impoverished electoral campaign, with a tendency to gravitate to the center for the centrist votes that are up for grabs. It's a different system from Israel where all voices can be heard.

Adam Blickstein doesn't understand American politics if he thinks there is a parallel

Thank you for your sharing! I like i very much!

Nader, an independent presidential candidate, also disagrees with Israel's construction of the security fence, its targeted killings of terrorist leaders, and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's Gaza disengagement plan, his spokesman said.

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