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March 04, 2008

All Eyes (Should Be) on Fallon
Posted by Moira Whelan

Fallon_2 Is anyone paying attention to General Fallon’s testimony on the hill today? They should be.

With all of the attention on Iraq, Fallon’s testimony has the potential to be some of the most important and influential going forward…but only if people pay attention and if the right questions are asked.

Fallon is Petraeus’s boss. In the past, he’s disagreed with President Bush and his approach to war, mainly because he knows Afghanistan is important and is in charge of watching how much is being sacrificed in the central front against the people who harmed us on 9-11. Fallon is the go-to guy for both situations, and for making sure there are enough troops, equipment and a sound strategy. NSN has the details on what he’s said in the past.

The last time Admiral Fallon testified before Congress, he was being confirmed. In other words, even though US troops have been mired in conflict in two places in Fallon’s region, Central Command, Congress only heard from him when they were deciding to give him the job. In the meantime, billions have been spent and US strategy in both places is in shambles.

In contrast, to great fanfare, Congress has heard from Petraeus—who reports to Fallon—and will hear from him again in April which will no doubt capture media attention. Yet, it’s only Fallon who can answer the real questions about strategy, how US troops are being employed to meet security concerns and what the overarching mission is. Congress knows this, and has asked repeatedly for him to testify. Funny, it only happens on the day the Democratic primary may be decided, and at the last minute.

Fallon’s leaked statements indicate that he’ll follow the party line--going so far as to saber rattle at Iran. But watch what he says (or doesn't say) on troop readiness, on the pause in the surge, and on our overall mission in Afghanistan. These could be the things that the Bush Administration and John McCain don’t want people to hear.


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