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February 14, 2008

Go For Broke Hillary
Posted by Michael Cohen

Forgive the diversion into political affairs, but courtesy of Taegan Goddard I came across this quote from Todd Purdum in Vanity Affair that I wanted to pass along:

Clinton’s only hope of winning would be some kind of backroom deal in which she persuaded super-delegates, the party elders and leaders who need not take a firm stand until the first ballot at the convention in Denver, that Obama simply lacks what it takes, even if he has won more votes and delegates in the state-by-state count. It would be akin to winning the presidency in the Electoral College after losing the popular vote. We’ve tried that, and it doesn’t work out so well.

Yeah, it didn't work out so well, but you know what, George Bush still got to be President - I'm not sure he's losing a lot of sleep about the way he won. There's a line in baseball that "flags, (i.e. pennants) fly forever" and the same is true for politics. Losing with dignity is still losing; winning without dignity may not look good, but guess what, you still get to hang out in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Look, if Hillary comes that close to winning the nomination, being within less than 100 delegates, wouldn't you expect her to do everything she could to win? Don't we all kind of wish Al Gore had been that ruthless in 2000?


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If Hillary Clinton won by using the Super Delegates, she would create a firestorm at the Democratic Convention and lose the election. This seems to be typical Clintonian politics in sacrificing the needs of the party in order to serve the Clintons personal political interest.

Michael Cohen wrote:

Look, if Hillary comes that close to winning the nomination, being within less than 100 delegates, wouldn't you expect her to do everything she could to win? Don't we all kind of wish Al Gore had been that ruthless in 2000?

Actually, I wish Al Gore had been that ruthless against Republicans (because that’s the way they operate as a matter of course, so there’s no choice). Behaving that way against fellow Democrats is unconscionable.

Gore WA