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August 29, 2008

Palin as VP
Posted by Moira Whelan

"But as for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell ya, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me, what is it exactly that the VP does every day?" - Sarah Palin, 8/1/08, CNBC, Kudlow and Company


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John McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin is a SOLID one for REAL Conservatives, and announcing the pick today is a strategic masterpiece, knocking out Barack Obama/Joe Biden’s after convention euphoria!: 2008/ 08/ breaking-news-its-unofficially-official.html#links

It's a solid pick for George Bush conservatives, a few of whom might now go to the polls because "One of Us" is on the ticket. Otherwise, Sarah Palin is William Miller and Geraldine Ferraro all over again, a forlorn hope thrown up by a campaign that thinks it is going to lose. Usually campaigns like that are attempting to unseat incumbent Presidents with high approval ratings, so thanks to George Bush we do have something a little bit new here.

It appears to me that John McCain has contradicted his foreign policy knowledge and experience message by nominating someone who has neither of the above.

So Palin lacks the 'sophistication' that inside-the-beltway pols brandish, and by the way has earned them abysmal poll ratings. That could very well be a plus for her. We need some estrogen to counter the testosterone drug problem in Washington. Give her a chance.

My hypothesis is that the Republicans have concluded that they are not going to win this year, and so they prevailed on McCain to use his VP pick to introduce a future star, Palin, to the nation for a later presidential run. Sarah Palin seems like a likable and compelling personality with real political talent. I can see why the Republicans would have high hopes for her, and I can imagine her evolving into a very formidable opponent indeed ... in 2016.

People might have justifiable anxieties about Obama's foreign policy experience, but at least he has been on the Foreign Relations committee for four years, and has actually passed some important foreign policy legislation in the Lugar-Obama bill. Palin is utterly green.

Obama's been on a committee for four years? Dan, you're reaching.

OK, Don. Three and two thirds years.

Dan, four committee-months may not seem like a big deal to you, but think what they'll mean to Obama.

I met a woman on the street here in LA on Friday, whom told me she would be voting for Sarah Palin and John McCain. She was a white woman in her mid 50s, whom very well could have been the mother of a schoolmate of mine growing up. (I grew up in an upper middle class suburb of Chicago, Park Ridge - Hillary's hometown).

She mentioned Sarah Palin was a fabulous woman whom should, herself, be President. (I'm pretty sure she was pronouncing Palin incorrectly, as Pah-lin. It's Pay-lin, right?)

I suggested it would be a shame if McCain picked her to cover up the truth of his real policies - she said no, he's a real straight talker.

She then told me that neither she nor any of her family members could stand that Obama guy. She named Michelle Obama's convention speech as a real turn off - stating that she seemed completely out of touch with America.

no joke.

This, my friends, is a real threat. Palin whitewashes the McCain ticket...absolves his guilt. Hopefully there's more of us than more of these out-of-touch-with-the-real-America wealthy moms.

we are the-real-America, right?

Vice Presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been getting more negative attention than positive attention from the media. For example, last Saturday Palin made her late-night entertainment debut on Saturday Night Live. Instead of commending Palin for playing along or mentioning that her appearance gave SNL its highest ratings in 14 years, the press criticized her for her appearance. Palin has been under constant attack; the media has bashed Palin for her performance as Governor of Alaska, the pregnancy of her unmarried 17-year-old daughter, and even her character. The media has stooped to new lows by implying that the United States would self-destruct should Palin have to replace McCain as president. As is typical with unbalanced news-reporting, these attacks are misconstrued half-truths. In fact, Sarah Palin has a large number of admirers who commend her for her persistent effort to improve the state of Alaska. Other admirers point to her unwavering support of the disabled population and her push for the interests of special-needs individuals, like those with autism and Down syndrome. Many more followers put their trust in Sarah Palin because she advocates for personal responsibility and financial freedom. Palin opposes the elimination of cash advances, a legitimate and invaluable resource because people have the right to financial freedoms and the right to choose to get a payday loan.
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Vice Presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been getting more negative attention than positive attention from the media. For example, last Saturday Palin made her late-night entertainment debut on Saturday Night Live. Instead of commending Palin for playing along or mentioning that her appearance gave SNL its highest ratings in 14 years, the press criticized her for her appearance. Palin has been under constant attack; the media has bashed Palin for her performance as Governor of Alaska, the pregnancy of her unmarried 17-year-old daughter, and even her character. The media has stooped to new lows by implying that the United States would self-destruct should Palin have to replace McCain as president. As is typical with unbalanced news-reporting, these attacks are misconstrued half-truths. In fact, Sarah Palin has a large number of admirers who commend her for her persistent effort to improve the state of Alaska. Other admirers point to her unwavering support of the disabled population and her push for the interests of special-needs individuals, like those with autism and Down syndrome. Many more followers put their trust in Sarah Palin because she advocates for personal responsibility and financial freedom. Palin opposes the elimination of cash advances, a legitimate and invaluable resource because people have the right to financial freedoms and the right to choose to get a payday loan.

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