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March 11, 2008

A Sad Day for America
Posted by Michael Cohen

For those of you who might have missed it, today the House of Representatives failed to override President Bush's veto of a bill banning enhanced interrogation techniques including waterboarding and induced hypothermia. The final tally was 225 - 188 and only 5 Republicans voted in support of the override. But don't worry, "we do not torture!" Somewhere Abraham Lincoln is rolling over in his grave.

At one point in our nation's history (in fact probably not so long ago) the President of the United States vetoing a bill that banned waterboarding and other forms of torture -- and all but 5 House Republicans supporting this stance -- would have been kind of a big deal. Not anymore it appears.

Ladies and Gentlemen the Bush years! Makes you pine for the days when Warren Harding was considered the our worst president ever.


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"Somewhere Abraham Lincoln is rolling over in his grave."

Well actually, maybe not. I wrote a whole post on it a while back:

Hi you gullable Americans. I actually did not think I could pull the wool over your heads, but I overestimated your intelligence. Now I can stop the story telling and get back to my true agenda. I have taken the tax calculator off my web site. It is no longer needed, because I can't really give all you people that kind of money. That was just a campaign promiss and you all know how long those last. Now I will start preparing my cabinet with those who have helped me get started and backed me the whole way. I need not mention names, you as a country will find that out soon enough. I still can't believe that I have fooled so many. How pathetic. Now Michelle can be proud again.