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August 08, 2007

Joke’s on Us: the National Emergency Response “Framework”
Posted by Moira Whelan

It would be laughable, if not for the fact that the Bush Administration has pulled another stunt that will cause people to die. This time, it's the new National Emergency Response "Framework" that had too many acronyms for Fran Townsend, and therefore needed to be rewritten.

First of all, it was written in secret. No joke. The plan for all of us to be a secret. It's out now, and I'd share it with you, but alas, it's been reported on, but it's still the old one up on the DHS website. Shocker.

So we skip to the punchline:
--The debate about whether or not the New Orleans levees were  “breached” or “over-topped”? ---that would still happen. This DC discussion delayed response for days.
--The lack of communication about the humanitarian crisis at the Convention Center? It  actually could be worse than before.

Why? Because DHS didn’t talk to any of the people who would likely be involved a disaster, namely the state and local officials, to write the new plan.

Yeah. I can’t say I’m shocked to hear that either, but I am absolutely disgusted.

From the director of NEMA, Albert Ashwood, the Oklahoma chief of Emergency Management before Congress last week:

“Consider the National Response Plan, excuse me, the now called National Response Framework.. You will be told this is a national document, developed over many hours of collaboration between all levels of government and all disciplines. Let me be the first to say you should have a shovel nearby when you hear this.  I’ve queried my colleagues at both the state and local level and realize that no one knows what information this document contains and we won’t until we read it like everyone else in this room.”

The notion that they’ve changed the National Response “Plan” to a “Framework.” is my favorite part. If there’s no plan to fail to implement or follow, one has not failed. A “framework” gives you wiggle room to always claim it’s a work in progress, that you aren’t required to do something, etc. It’s also nice because it’s still a weapon. You can accuse states of not following the “framework” that they never saw. Perfect.

By coming up with this, and wiggling out of even TALKING to people, let alone accountability, the Bush Administration has basically told us all we’re on our own in a disaster.

Joke's on us.


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It is against the Republican ideology to spend anything or expand any type of domestic programs whatsoever including aid and protection from terrorism or the effects of global warming. The Republicans want the government to intervene in the personal lives of human beings but doesn't seemed to care about the public well being of the citizens of the United States. The Democrats however since the Great Depression favor a responsive government that could help people out in times of emergency. The Democratic presidential candidates need to emphasize this ideological legacy of the Democratic party and how it is bes